Is Your Property In Code?

Early Springtime walk arounds are a great time to scout for problems regarding your property’s clearances for pedestrians and vehicles.

Check tree branch heights. Are there branches that are low and cause pedestrians to walk around them or to duck to avoid hitting them? How about on the street side. Can vehicles or delivery trucks pass without hitting the top of their vehicles? For trees in lawns not in beds, can a lawnmower crew get by without having to duck?

What about bushes… Do you have branches that are crowding sidewalks so pedestrians have to duck or walk around them? Are there bushes  or tree branches that block the view or make you walk around them as you use your driveway or walk to the front door, or have grown so tall they block your windows?

If you live on a corner lot, are there bushes in island beds that are taller than 24 inches that block the vision of oncoming traffic?

These are just some of the things Jacrist looks at when we complete your Spring Cleanup review of your property. If you haven’t yet, please contact us today as I only have a few slots left.

“Call Us and Consider It Done!”



Spring Cleanup Proposals

As per the latest NYS government’s recent exemption rulings and through guidance through the NYS Nursery and Landscape Association,  landscapers in NYS may perform essential services for property maintenance and safety.

This includes care & maintenance of lawns and plants allowing mowing and plant care but not new installations.

I will begin Jacrist’s Spring Cleanup proposal on-site visits to select clients only starting Monday, Mar 23rd. Pending any further work restrictions, I will start completing cleanups starting April 1st, pending weather and site conditions.

Having a mobile office with printing capabilities will certainly be a help, allowing me to leave a written proposal  at the door for each of my clients. I will also send the proposal online.

Unfortunately until further notice, Jacrist will not be accepting any new cleanup clients.

However if you will need landscaping repairs at your home or business, please contact me. Know I will continue to do what I can, when I can,  to represent your interests in the best way possible during these uncharted territory we are in for now.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are being affected by this virus and the economic repercussions due to work restrictions.